The Best Dog Ear Cleaners (Review) in 2021

Your guide to this review today is by dog trainer Tom Messy

Cleaning our dogs’ ears is an important aspect of canine grooming. While it is not expected that you remove debris and particles that may be present in your pooch’s auditory canal on a daily basis, this should, nevertheless, be performed on a regular manner, typically as part of its weekly or even monthly grooming. Dogs can also benefit from daily cleaning of their auditory apparatus if they are suffering from canine ear infections like otitis externa. Cleaning your canine friend’s ears is not really difficult especially if you use any of the 10 best dog ear cleaners that we have listed herein. You can feel safer about the effectiveness and safety of these products to assist your pooch in keeping the integrity of its hearing.

The Best Dog Air Cleaners


If you are not sure which among these products you would want to purchase for your own dog, worry not as we’ve prepared a detailed and comprehensive guide to help you gain better understanding on what product to choose. First, we’ll take a look at what dog ear cleaners are and why our pooches need to have their ears cleansed. We’ll then look at the different types of otic pet ear treatments and decide which one suits your dog the best. A review of the more common ear problems in dogs should help you better understand the need for dog ear cleaning.

What Is A Dog Ear Cleaner ?

As the name implies, dog ear cleaners are a type of a ear cleaning solution that cleanses the structures of the outer ear of a dog. These are typically infused with some of the most common substances used as either disinfectants or antiseptics or even both.

Prevent Invantion

You might think that dogs with naturally droopy ears do not have problems since their auditory passages are well-protected from the outside. You’d be surprised to learn that floppy ears are actually more problematic than those with rather short, standing ears. The reason is simple. Because the ear is closed to outside air, heat can be trapped inside leading to condensation. In other words, the relative humidity inside the auditory passages of droopy, floppy ears is greater. And you know what this means. Moisture is one of the key ingredients needed by fungi and other microbial organisms to grow and proliferate. As such, dogs with floppy ears are more prone to the development of bacterial and fungal infections. Cleaning the ears not only removes these microorganisms but also provides a chance for outside air to enter and help ventilate trapped heat inside the auditory passages.

Dogs with short ears are still vulnerable to infections, however. You have to understand that the skin has a natural flora of bacteria and other organisms. Normally these don’t make your pooch sick. However, because short ears are generally open to the outside world, these are more vulnerable to cuts and bruises which can provide an access point for microorganisms to enter the inner structures of the ear skin. This can still lead to ear infection. Cleaning the ears can disinfect any cuts or open wounds on the skin so that the bacteria and other germs will not enter the bloodstream.

Prevent Canine Hearing Impairment

There are two possible reasons why your dog may experience hearing impairment. The first one is due to untreated ear infection. Inflammatory processes that start in the outer ear can spread towards the middle and inner ear where the acoustic apparatus is located. When these very small structures are inflamed or are infected, they loss their ability to convert sound waves into vibrations. This prevents them from transforming vibrations into electrical signals and sending these to the brain. The good news is that cleaning your dog’s ears can help augment antibiotic therapy so that the infection resolves a lot quicker.

The second mechanism by which dogs can lose their sense of hearing is through impaction of the auditory canal by cerumen and other waxy debris. Cerumen is a waxy substance that is secreted by the cells of the ear. This is done to help trap debris and other large particles from reaching the inner structures of the ear. Sadly, when allowed to build up to considerable proportions, this ear wax substance, together with the trapped debris, can actually harden and block the entrance to the eardrum. When this happens, sound waves do not strike the ear drum and vibrations are not generated to the inner ear. Cleaning your dog’s ears helps remove impacted cerumen, clearing the way to the more efficient transmission of sound waves through the auditory apparatus.

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